The Day of Valor, also known as Araw ng Kagitingan, is commemorated annually on April 9th in the Philippines. This significant day serves as a reminder of the heroism and sacrifices of Filipino and American soldiers during World War II, particularly during the Fall of Bataan in 1942. 

On April 9, 1942, the combined Filipino and American forces under the command of Major General Edward P. King Jr. surrendered to the Japanese Imperial Army after enduring months of intense fighting and hardships. This event marked the beginning of the Bataan Death March, a harrowing journey where tens of thousands of Filipino and American prisoners of war were subjected to brutal treatment, including torture, starvation, and death.

Commemorating Araw ng Kagitingan is a solemn occasion to honor the bravery and resilience of those who fought and died defending freedom and democracy. It serves as a tribute to the courage and patriotism of the Filipino and American soldiers who valiantly resisted the Japanese invasion, despite overwhelming odds and limited resources.

Beyond remembering the past, Araw ng Kagitingan also serves as a call to action for present and future generations to uphold the values of courage, sacrifice, and solidarity. It reminds us of the importance of preserving peace and freedom, cherishing the memory of those who sacrificed for the sake of our nation, and working towards a better future where the horrors of war are never forgotten, and the lessons of history are always remembered.




