The Learning/Discoveries that I have gained, I have learned a great deal about the world web blogs in ICT 10. I now understand the role and goal of web blogs as venues for the exchange of knowledge and firsthand accounts. I've also learned how crucial it is to draw readers in by producing interesting content, advertising it, and keeping it current.

               I may have experienced difficulties with organization and content management in ICT when it comes to web blogs. Effectively classifying and tagging my blog entries to make them easily searchable and available for users can be challenging. Optimizing my blog for search engines to raise its exposure and ranking could present another difficulty. Finally, handling spam and undesired activities in my site, as well as controlling and moderating comments, may have presented difficulties for me.

              To address this challenges, I ask for help when i need it, encourage others speak up and share their views, and don't be scared to learn new things in order to overcome these problems. I also try to maintain a positive attitude toward myself and my classmates.

              Moving on, I will continue to improve myself this school year is still going to present me with a lot of obstacles, but I am going to keep encouraging myself and others to keep going after their goals and never give up.





  1. It's great that you overcame difficulties you've faced during the first quarter. Good luck on your next journey in ICT 10. Keep up the good work :)

  2. you can do it, always be positive when it comes to overcome difficulties


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