Letter For Mr. President



 Letter For Mr. President

Dear Mr. President

    First and foremost, I want to congratulate you for the great change that you have done in our community and the whole country. Your works have been commend able and it surely brought change to the cultural, social and political aspect of the society, To mention a few, you:ve been effective in dealing the political issues such as graft and corruption and other abuse of authority issues in the government. Regarding the issue of illegal drugs, despite the killings and related crime, we can say that it was all worth the fight, risk and scare since we felt more secure now a days than before for drug addicts in the society.

     However, I for one is not very glad with the narsh words that you are saying during your press conference. Please remember that the whole country is looking up on you and that includes the young generation. Despite this, we still thank you for the efforts. You"ve never been relucant in solving crimes even if you were the center of criticsms, with the current rise of crime rate to some extent, we party blame your administration for bringing in the culture of vigilant killings (thought not leggaly confirmed). However, we are still grateful knowing that these days, people will become afraid of commiting mistakes or nurting others knowing that they might be killed easy.

               To end this letter,m i would like to say Thank you and kudos for the good job! You may have              flaws in running the government but you've surely done your bet to become an eficient president.            More power and God Bless You Mr. President.

Sincerly yours,

Mark Lester Lopez



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